VS Dyes (β-Sulphatoethyl Sulphone Based Reactive dyes)

Yellow FG 100 60 L LS S G 4 5 4-5 5 1 4 5 5 5 Dischargable Lemon Yellow dye.
Yellow GR 100 80 H S S G 4-5 6 5 5 1 5 5 5 4-5 Important trichromatic component.
Golden Yellow R 100 80 H S S F 4-5 5 4 4-5 1 5 4-5 5 4-5 Economical dye.
Golden Yellow RNL 100 80 H S S G 4-5 5 4 4 2-3 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 Good light fastness.
Orange 2R 100 80 H S S G 4 4-5 4-5 5 2-3 5 5 5 5 Economical basis for all bright Oranges.
Orange 3R 80 40 H S LS G 5-6 5-6 3 4-5 4 5 5 5 5 Useful basis for all shades.
Red C-2G 100 80 L LS S G 5 5-6 4-5 5 1 5 4-5 5 4-5 Red with high light fastness.
Red 5B 80 40 L LS S G 4 4-5 3 5 1 5 5 4 5 Important trichromatic component.
Red BS 100 100 H S S G 3-4 4 5 4-5 2 5 5 5 5 Highly exhaustive. Useful for bright Red colours.
Red RB 80 80 H S S F 4-5 5 4-5 4-5 2-3 5 4-5 5 4-5 Technically superior Red to use as trichromatic component.
Violet 5R 100 80 H S S P 6 6-7 5 2-3 4-5 4-5 5 4-5 5 Only Violet dye.
Turq. Blue G 80 30 H S S P 5-6 6 5 5 2-3 5 4-5 5 4-5 For Bright Blues & Greens. Need higher dyeing temperature.
Turq. Blue H2GP 80 30 H S S P 5-6 6 5 5 2-3 5 4-5 5 4-5 For Bright Blues & Greens. Need higher dyeing temperature.
Blue R-Special 100 50 H S S F 5-6 6 4-5 4-5 4 4-5 5 5 5 For Bright Blue & Royal Blue. To consider salt solubility in dyeing.
Brill. Blue BB 133% 100 80 H S S G 6-7 7 4 5 3 3-4 5 4 5 Dischargable Blue with good light fastness.
Blue GG 80 60 H S S G 6 5-6 4-5 5 3 5 5 5 5 Suitable for all Green Shades.
Blue 3R 100 80 H S S G 6-7 7 3-4 5 3-4 3-4 4-5 4 4-5 Useful Blue for Pad - Silicate Method.
Brown GR 100 100 H S LS G - 5 4-5 4-5 3 4 3 4 5 Useful base for medium to dark shades by exhaust dyeing.
Black B 100 100 H S S G - 5 4 4-5 4AsBlack 5 4 5 4 Product for all purpose from light, medium to extra deep shades.
Black RL 100 60 H S S F 7 7 4 4 3 3-4 5 3-4 5 Good light fastness in pestle shades. Useful for Gray shades.
Black CNN 100 100 H S S F - 4-5 4 4 4AsBlack 4-5 5 4-5 5 Black with high tinctorial value.

VS-DYES application

'VS'dyes (β-Sulphatoethyl Sulphone Based Reactive dyes)

.Features :.
1.Moderate reactivity with low dyeing temperature, 60°C
2.Good Dyeing and Printing performance
3.Excellent wet fastness properties
4.Good dischargeability of dyed grounds
5.Wide range of application methods etc.

Exhaust Dyeing : Standard Method :

Minutes Load Machine-Run Liquor and/or fabric.
Set the bath to required temp (40°C or 60°C)
Adjust PH with acetic acid, if necessary.
10 Add predissolved dye and Half of Salt solution.
20 Continue at 40°C or 60°C. Add Reminder of Salt.
15 Continue at 40°C or 60°C.Add Soda ash Solution.
90 or 60 Continue at 40°C or 60°C.Wash.

Dyeing at 40°C - Dyeing time -90 minutes :

Jigar Dyeing Winch Dyeing
Material : Liquor Ratio 1:2 - 1:3 1:4 - 1:6
Glauber's Salt gms/lt 50 50
Soda Ash gms/lt 5 5
Caustic Soda 72° Tw ml/ltOr.Tri.Sod Phospate gms/lt 4-6- 3-430

Dyeing at 60°C - Dyeing time -60 minutes :

Jigar Dyeing Winch Dyeing
Material : Liquor Ratio 1:2 - 1:3 1:4 - 1:6 1:15 - 1:30
Glauber's Salt gms/lt 50 50 50
Soda Ash gms/lt 5 5 5
Caustic Soda 72° Tw ml/ltOr.Tri.Sod Phospate gms/lt 3-530 2-320-25 15-10

Disclaimer Note :

This Information is furnished without warranty, expressed or implied, except that it is accurate to the best knowledge of Color Wave Industries. The data on this sheet relates only to the specific material designated herein. Color Wave Industries assume no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon these data.